Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pokemon Silver How To Make Every Really Happy

Fear and Loathing in Jakarta

I take a whole day to recover the stress of long bus trip. In Bandar Lampung there 'nothing to see except a square with a monument of elephants playing soccer and a viewpoint on a hill, from here you can see what remains of the volcano Krakatoa, and beyond, the coast of' island of Java, the next destinanzione.
Jakarta and 'a stone's throw away, I reach it easily with a minibus. The strait which separates Sumatra from Java and '... close ... by ferry and you put only 1 ½ hours to cover the distance.
Jakarta and 'as saying the Anglo-Saxons, overwhelming. The city 'more' big in Southeast Asia. A jungle underground more than 9 million people, growing to 'go crazy. A population growth and urban sprawl. Arriving on a hot Thursday afternoon, after I settled, I sit in one of the many restaurants overlooking the bustling Jalan Jaksa, the road of backpackers.
You know a boy in Indonesia. It helps me to decipher the menu and then stops to talk to. It makes the event coordinator at the Ritz Carlton in Jakarta and met an Italian Formula GP2 Asia (among other things I saw before the races in Malaysia F1 GP) named Mark Bonalumi and you feel your mobile phone to Anton , Indonesian, while we're at the restaurant. Anton at some point I pass it and it turns out that Mark and I 'of Lecco (23 years) by calling Bahrain!
I'm pretty tired but I let myself get to a night out. You go to Red Square vodka bar. Girls and wild dancing cube Anton pay me to drink (4 vodka redbull redbull with little shots of tequila and 2) I do the spacchiuso and drink it in a nano second shot (as he sips), exclaiming "I am a professional tequila" ( remembering the night in Italy with the legendary Cuervo Reposado, now replaced with chupito rum and pear). During the evening the turning point. Anton and I realize that 'gay ... It speaks to a finger from his face and I have the impression that he tried to kiss me!
We leave the bar at 2.30 that no longer support 'standing. The taxi turns around, you end up in his apartment. I closed the shit inside. I Corinth to the bathroom and the toilet twice Foppa (and clearly I think "fuck I'm vomiting in the toilet at the home of an Indonesian culattone") and I fell asleep, tired, and on the bed. Is not 'nothing happened, fortunately. He too was sleeping. Then at 5:30, awakened by the call of the muezzin tried to escape from the balcony below the roof of the house (I was alerted neighbors, who slept on their balcony, pulling pennies on the tin roof and saying "I need a taxi" who knows ... ' What the fuck have thought ...).
I already have 'a leg up on the roof but he stops me. I say fuck that now I'm going home. He finally frees me pero 'insists her home in the taxi and attempted one last pathetic approach with that I say I do not like the guys you have not got shit!
The next day I woke up at 13 with the brain still mush. I have 2 new on cell numbers of Indonesian girls who do not remember the name (I'll find out 'through the phonebook). A gun appears to be the sister of the woman and the other should be OK. What do I call?
guys mattissima evening. I spent the equivalent of € 5 for a total devastation.
I survived ...
Rene '

Monday, June 16, 2008

Fructose Malabsorption Cider

The mega transfer

Contact Riki for a tour of Bukittinggi. We meet at 11 am on a Sunday morning in the park in the middle of town at that time crowded with strolling families and children chattering. My new friend insists on a visit to his home, located in a small town a few km from Bukittinggi. I agree.
'm dating When they got there the family and soon I find myself a plate of rice and fried fish in his teeth: Indonesian hospitality. The house 'consists of three rooms, a kitchen and living room. There are few pieces of furniture (in the living room there 's just the TV ...) and eat the lunch sitting cross-legged on a mat. After a cup of coffee 'let's take a walk around the village and visit an uncle Riki who lives in a beautiful traditional wooden house with a roof that reminds me of the hull of a sailboat. The whole family e' al lavoro nelle operazioni di restauro del vecchio edificio.

Tornati a Bukittinggi visitiamo un'area della citta' dove i giapponesi, nel corso della seconda guerra mondiale, hanno costruito una estesa serie di bunker e gallerie sotterranee. E' ormai pomeriggio inoltrato e avrei bisogno di un break, di un attimo di riposo in albergo, ma non riesco proprio a svincolarmi dalla compagnia di Riki ( mollami! ). Chiudo la giornata invitando il mio nuovo amico a cenare in un ristorante all'aperto del mercato notturno. Il clima e' ora piacevolmente fresco (Bukittinggi si trova a 1500m di altezza) e le strade si sono riempite di gruppi di ragazzi che suonano la chitarra.
Il mattino successivo, alle 10, I board a bus at a time of Bandar Lampung, the city 'on the end' southern island of Sumatra. On paper the distance from Bukittinggi seems to be around 1000km. I'm for syrup, in length, nearly two-thirds of Sumatra. The timing of the trip are unpredictable.
An hour after the start we are already 'stopped for a mechanical failure. The bus and 'too came violently into a hole and you must be wrecked something. We leave after an hour and a half smartellamenti in front of the axle shaft.
On the bus my position is not 'the best and I am in the row immediately before the bath, means having a seat that reclines and foul-smelling air. I am the only foreign travel and, therefore, the center of attention. Towards evening, the central corridor has become a garbage dump: a day of meals and snacks have left their mark. We stopped at a restaurant for dinner and discovered with surprise that nearly all passengers take advantage of the break to wash and freshen up, soap, towel, change of clothes and go back in as new coach, what is gradually tainting it's just me. .. During the break someone and 'even bothered to clean the corridor, thank goodness.
The night proceeds to jolts, like those of the street, interrupting sleep already 'slightly off the seat. Sumatra and 'giant island, where the cities' are separated hundreds of kilometers from each other, in between there are hills, lakes, volcanoes, forests and fields. It 'a wilderness area, even if the integrity' of nature and 'put in constant danger from logging and drilling for oil.
the morning of the second day we arrived in Palembang, a big city 'in the south-east. The stop and 'short, just long enough to bring down some people and to load new passengers, the bus and' always full. The trip runs slow. In Sumatra there are few roads and motorways passing through the territory are very busy and somewhat battered. Around noon we take a break, the coach and 'stopped along the road next to some stalls selling fruit. My traveling companions insist on me to try the durian, a fruit with a thick skin and sharp, the size of a melon pulp and smelly, something that looks like a rotten egg or the smell of feet. E 'sweet, not bad after all, but' to eat with your nose plugged. Before leaving, give me a bag of duku, fruit slightly larger 'than a walnut, this one to peel, the flesh transparent, sweet and juicy.
The bus now crosses a broad flat plain. Fields in the eye and the yellow of the long ears of rice, which contrasts with the dark clouds of a storm that roars away, the horizon line. A column of trucks in front of us raises waves powder. It 's a hot afternoon. No City 'in sight. I will arrive 'Why?
dusk the bus stop again, this time for dinner. The driver tells me that Bandar Lampung and 'not far away, a couple of hours and here we are. While passengers are washed I eat a plate of fried rice, probably the only one who is starting to stink.
21 Hours: houses and shops are becoming more 'common along the road. We are about to arrive in town '. The second driver approaches me and tells me who will stop at the station: the bus continues on to Jakarta. He asks me where I want to get off. I do not know, I answer, then add close to a hotel is fine.
Ed and 'so that the bus stops, at 21.30, after 35 hours of travel, near a big hotel. I have not the faintest idea what my position, if they are in town 'or in the suburbs. Later addocchio prices: too high. I call a taxi that brings me to the center, in a cheaper hotel. Upon entering the room collapsed on the bed. I really need of hanging lie at least ten hours.
Rene '

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dentitex Sonic Toothbrush Heads


transfer Malaysia-Indonesia, on the map, it seems a trivial matter: a hydrofoil from Melacca to Dumai and then by bus to Pekanbaru (about 150km away). The boat leaves at around 10 and before 12 are already 'in Dumai, on the island of Sumatra. Smooth.
I do take a motorcycle taxi to the bus station, a huge parking lot with a single bus waiting in the hot sun. Fortunato and 'direct to Pekanbaru, the major city' of this area, and start 'shortly thereafter.
I have two accounts: 150km to go, an average of 50km per hour; between 3 to 4 hours maximum, I should be your destination. Am I wrong. The road 'paved but quite disastrous: potholes and unpaved sections every ten kilometers, work in progress. Traffic (and 'the only road from the east coast port in Pekanbaru), and some river overflows due to a flood that did not make things worse. It travels to sob. Speed \u200b\u200b' dei trasferimenti in Malesia e' presto dimenticata.
Sul pullman mi si affianca un tecnico petrolifero indonesiano di ritorno a casa per il fine settimana (e' un venerdi pomeriggio); abita a Pekanbaru e parla bene inglese perche' ha lavorato per anni per una compagnia statunitense. Dopo un po' che chiaccheriamo mi offre alloggio a casa sua per la serata; sono sorpreso: una proposta del genere non mi era ancora capitata!
A una trentina di km dalla citta' il traffico si blocca: un fiume ha rotto gli argini e sta sommergendo la strada. Si passa piano e uno alla volta. Alcune case sono per meta' coperte dall'acqua e gli inquilini stanno salvando il salvabile e si dirigono verso tratti di terreno asciutto. Brutta storia.
The day, which provided a quiet, turns out to be very long and when the bus arrives at Pekanbaru are now past the 20. My traveling companion is more excuse for not being able to 'hold' cause it has a very small child who needs to sleep. Directs me to the correct taxi (a small minibus), destination downtown, 'and say hello to me.
eat a platter of fried rice (nasi goreng, one of the specialties' national) and then I put to bed. I recall a while now: I have not seen a traveler, stranger, and I spent the day on the bus.
The next day I wake up early and take a bus to Bukittinggi, a town on the mountain range that runs from north to south, the entire island of Sumatra. It 's the meeting zone of two earth plates that, over the millennia, has generated a mountain range of volcanoes up to nearly 4000m high and continues to periodically shake this land by violent and sudden earthquakes.
The bus and 'half decrepit that stops all the time to load passengers, a kind of taxi giant falls to pieces. Little use to cover 200km over 7 hours. 30km times average, not bad ...
arrived in Bukittinggi not know where to settle down. I have not found a travel guide for Indonesia and I'm so "pro de ndo-sight using only a geographical map the country. I am therefore asking for information all the time and, not knowing the language, I can hardly make myself understood. Fermatomi at a kiosk selling cell phones (there are thousands in Indonesia) you ask for a budget hotel and I find myself riding a scooter salesman who, before taking them to their destination, he decides to do a tour of Bukittinggi. I left his cell phone number and asks if we can meet tomorrow. Well, yes, I see no problem ... His name is Riki. The soprannominero '... Molly!
Rene '

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

300k Pixels Digital Binoculars Drivers

Only in Sumatra a lot of noise

Another weekend in Kuala Lumpur. Is about to become the capital in which I spent as many days.
It 's the weekend of the Grand Prix of Formula 1 and the City' and 'fully-booked. Returning from the jungle (without a pair of shoes, abandoned for too muddy) I settle overnight at Pondok Lodge, left the next day 'cause the lower floor there is a pumping disco house music, excellent, up to 4. The walls were literally dancing in my room and the bed was vibrating, beaten by a violent succession of bass. But at the Green Hut - the next system - things is not 'going better, for the place and' infested with fleas annoying (or mites) that, at night, got excited without mercy 'on the arms and legs unarmed. They do not seem to spare any: All guests are scratching frantically and begging "new bed sheets", the problem, unfortunately, lies elsewhere ...
E 'without doubt a high volume weekend, thanks to the Formula 1, which leads to the city' tourists, party (a party with DJ Mauro Picotto Italy, already 'active in Rimini during my vacation maturing 18 year old! ), a period of great events and balances. The Grand Prize went to see him, because 'no? They are in the area, after all. Also saw the live show does not change: so boring the only difference compared to the living room, the noise and 'that without earplugs si rischiano seri disturbi d'udito. Sara' per questo che forse ci si sente un poco part of the game .
Prima di lasciare definitivamente KL passo una serata con John, un simpatico ingegnere informatico malese di origine singaporegna conosciuto nel corso del mio soggiorno a Phuket; andiamo a cenare in un fantastico ristorante giapponese, dove ci si serve ad un buffet, e devo ammettere che, contrariamente alla maggior parte delle mie precedenti esperienze, il cibo e' davvero buono. John mi convince ad assaggiare il "pesce incinto" (un pesciolino di 15cm di lunghezza, ripieno di uova, infilzato e grigliato su uno spiedino) e mi racconta alcune credenze popolari cinesi come: mai girare un pesce mentre lo si mangia; significa che "una ship will sink '. "
Since then I carry a Melacca capital, a city' on the bank 's namesake Strait, a port that has seen the passing of the Portuguese, Dutch, British and still retains many interesting relics of the past. It is no coincidence and 'recognized as the cultural capital of Malaysia. The Dutch colonial buildings, painted in bright pastel colors, have been turned into museums on the long history of Melacca.
Today, the footprint of China on the City' and 'strong and represented from the bustling Chinatown district, where the antiques trade and air and 'released by the Office of the bluish smoke of incense sticks.
are the last days in Malaysia and then the opportunity to finish my ringgit (local currency) in a night club for Ladies Night on Wednesday night (funny as always) and a movie night for the premiere of 10,000 BC, which confirms my unfortunate statistic in the selection of films on the big screen 80% of cases prove to be the big shit.
Just keep the money to purchase the ticket for the ferry from Dumai in Melacca: e 'March 28 and am about to set sail for Indonesia.
Rene '