Monday, February 28, 2011

Biggest Butterfly Clitoris

Paris chic

Bonjour à tout le monde!
Stamani una vera ventata di Francia che arriva direttamente da Nonpareil, il famoso magazine on line!

Anche voi innamorate della pubblicità di Dior coi palloncini?

Anche voi affascinate dalla Tour Eiffel e dai macarons?
Anche voi innamorate della Maria Antonietta di Sofia Coppola?

E allora perdetevi con me tra palloncini che volano via, macaron e rocchetti di filo...

takes balls of carnations to remind us of a shower of balloons (remember what we talked about last week HERE and HERE ?) And simple circles of paper glued to a straw.
is the masterpiece of this shooting is right there, in particular uqel to me!
Simply brilliant!

Already you have seen on other blogs and on TV, I know, but I can not publish this video, shot by Sofia Coppola with the now famous "Moi je joue" sung by Brigitte Bardot.
It takes a little 'lightness, bubbles and balloons! If not because I would call the Frufrù ?

I wish you all a good day. There we read tomorrow!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mobile Game Pokemon Platinum

L'addio al nubilato

Hello and Happy Monday!

morning talk of brides and bridesmaids because there is a future bride reader the Frufrù about to make a proposal to its witnesses and then, I said to myself, why do not you give some advice for his farewell hen?

As usual Martha comes to us with our ideas is always nice when it comes to the reception but not only! First would be a welcome

bell'invito be delivered in advance to friends and the home of the mother would be a nice location.
We use what we have to decorate! The cups in the beliefs of mothers and grandmothers abound, so let us use them!

Finally we create small gifts for our guests.
Very nice idea to provide your own kit to use for the wedding.
enamel, lipstick, clothes and a kit with needle and thread to always be perfect and ready in case he decided to abandon a few buttons.


Or a beautiful jute bag full of small gifts to be reused. For the most romantic
una scatolina piena di "memorie". Vecchi bigliettini, fotografie che ci ritraggono con le amiche e magari un piccolo regalo da far indossare proprio nel giorno del matrimonio che rimarrà un ricordo indelebile di quel giorno.

Spero che la mia futura sposina scovi qualche idea carina.
Ovviamente questi regali sono pensati per un addio al nubilato ma assolutamente validi per qualsiasi altra occasione in cui si vuole stupire un'amica con un regalo fatto col cuore.
A domani!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Can You Take Ativan After Drinking

Uova o lavagne?

Buongiorno e ben ritrovate.
Anche oggi vi propongo un piccolo DIY dal sapore pasquale.

La tradizione vuole uova decorate nei colori pastello ma io sono rimasta rapita da questa idea che ce le propone in nero!
With a little 'blackboard paint effect what we can get! Funny
placeholder with colored chalk to write the name of the diner.

Easy and effect. A bit 'but very different design.
fit the classic table is that the modern city.

via: hapartmenttherapy

good weekend! There we read on Monday.

Incesto Italiani Free

L'albero di Pasqua

Welcome back! Do you think
past Christmas and Valentine's Day you survived the holiday dedicated to DIY projects? Oh no, never! Already in Serbian for you to design some that smells of Easter! Especially someone
introduced the custom of making a small tree along the lines of Christmas, something light and flowery.

So when I saw the 'tree' that I propose in the following photos I thought it would be nice to own a holiday like Easter. And have you noticed that returning carnations?

Small paper doilies, some pink, some branch and a beautiful vase. Hour of work and there was a decoration that does not go unnoticed.

The more ideas? Prepare
this decoration for Easter dinner, make a lot of those cones will be the guests and give one to each of the greetings at the time (even thanked cones filled with eggs di cioccolata per i bambini;).


Buona serata e ci leggiamo domani!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Os X Sims 2 Holiday Install Problem

Pic nic vintage

Stamani avevo in programma di pubblicare il compleanno di una bambina ma di fronte alla primavera di queste immagini non ho resistito.

A me gli e-shooting, cioè le foto che si fanno prima del matrimonio, piacciono molto.
Si possono considerare come un mezzo to test the soil with the photographer, to loosen up a bit 'in front of the camera.

I'm not the 'I did, but a special person (Laura Trendinozze ) knowing how disappointed I was (disappointed is an understatement) of pictures of my wedding, I was instead given a shooting after marriage.

I tell you, I hate photos. The pillar of salt Lot's wife compared to me and 'Kate Moss! I'm always with an expression between stupid and annoyed. Photogenic zero. Instead
then fire a feeling with the photographer and I enjoyed it like crazy and I spent the afternoon between kisses on the forehead and eyes toward the sky. When I think back to that afternoon I still smile salt sulle labbra.

Un buon mezzo per testare il fotografo è proprio quello di creare un piccolo set con qualche elemento che ci piace, senza esagerare nelle dosi, che metta in luce la sua capacità di fotografare tutti i particolari (che a noi ragazze "ci piacciono" tanto), ma che sia anche bravo a catturare sguardi, mani che si intrecciano, occhi che sorridono.

Tornassi indietro saprei che fotografo scegliere e sicuramente un e shooting lo farei. Anche perchè qualche bella foto senza essere vestita da meringa è sempre bello averla.

via: forgetmeknotweddingsblog deidrelynnphotography

you later girls!