Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pc Game Street Racing

Goodbye. O goodbye.

Nonostante i miei vani tentativi scopro di non poterne più fare a meno.
Ci riprovo.

La mia vita in Italia.
Più che altro i miei pensieri.

Sperando che duri.

Flusso libero.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Homemade Tent Trailers


Cerco di non rendermi conto del tempo che passa inesorabile.

Meno otto ore.
Apro gli occhi. Dopo una notte insonne.
Meno sette.
Ciao Craig. Come va?
Meno sei.
Alla ricerca di un ultimo pie .
Meno five.
Less than four.
The van has already arrived.

O goodbye.

On board the aircraft are at the mercy of evil hostess.
that make us what they want.

Welcome aboard.
turn the lights off. Good night.
After two hours take us a nice breakfast.
Blind. Light.
Blind. Light. A
film. Two. And three.
Blind. Light.

Within twenty-four hours touches three continents.
I have breakfast five times. And
in London. Before the sixth breakfast.
I enjoy my first dawn of the European Union.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Drivers Extigy Windows 7

The harsh reality.

God How I missed the city.

With eyes that shine I look around Sydney.
button life.

How I love these small shops.
Everyone has his own thoughts. And personality.
The buzz around the coffee. The Sunday afternoon.
The sun reflecting off the skyscrapers. In the distance.
The couples that doze lazily in the park.

Above. People.
that flow like sange live in the arteries of this city.
With their moods.
Their thoughts.
And hurry.

How I missed the city.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cricket Wedding Invitation Wordings

Alice Springs.

Alice Springs is a slow town. And sleepy.
lost in the middle of nowhere.

A road. Some
Aboriginal Art Galleries.

The dry bed of a river running through it.

The hostel is a seaport.
People come and go.
Before venturing into the wilderness.

And instead I'm staying.
To enjoy this last sip of Australia.

under the sun.
A book. And tea.
Far from everything and everyone.
Alone with the sun. And my thoughts.

And when they are too noisy.
out there waiting for me there is all humanity.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Perl Imager Windows Jpeg

Pick apart the pices of your heart.

Always looking for new music.
young Australian talent.
Born in Belgium.

seems to read into it.
It scares me a little.

does not?
know him.
Hearts a mess.

Pick apart The pieces of your heart And let me peer inside

Let me in Where only your thoughts
Have Been Let me Occupy your mind
As you do mine

You have lost
(Too much love)
To fear, doubt and distrust
(It’s not enough)
You just threw away the key
(To your heart)

You don’t get burned
(’Cause nothing gets through)
It makes it easier
(Easier on you)
But that much more difficult for me
To make you see…

Love ain’t fair
So there you are
My love

Your heart’s a mess
You won’t admit to it
It makes no sense
But I’m desperate to connect
And you, you can’t live like this

Your heart’s a mess
You won’t admit to it
It makes no sense
But I’m desperate to connect
And you, you can’t live like this

Your heart’s a mess
You won’t admit to it
It makes no sense
But I’m desperate to connect
And you, you can’t live like this

Love ain’t safe
You won’t get hurt if you stay chaste
So you can wait
But I don’t wanna waste my love

(Se il video non funziona vedi qui )

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nice Vajina With Hairs

Five. Air

Meno cinque.

E' strano can count on the fingers of one hand the days until the end of this adventure.
On my return to Milan.

Five. Five
less like the seven dwarfs and Grumpy Puppy.
Five as the first five of the twelve apostles. Five
like the colors of the rainbow that I remember. Red. Yellow. Blue Verde. And orange.

Only five days separate me from my beloved pizza.
tomatoes. Rocket . And grit.

Only five.

Friday, November 19, 2010

How To Clear Phlegm From Baby


The Grand Canyon is very different from how my fervent imagination had dreamed of.

Una parete rocciosa da scalare.
Pian piano. Con circospezione .
E poi sempre più veloce e sicura.

Un passo. Due.
E sotto i nostri occhi si apre l'orizzonte.

Profonde gole.
Camminate sull'orlo del precipizio.
Orlate di spighe dorate.
Alberi. E fiori.
Su un terreno profondamente . Indiscutibilmente rosso.

Un vento leggero ci accompagna per quattro ore.
Alla scoperta delle traccie di un passato ormai dimenticato. E quasi impensabile.
Durante il quale tutto questo era mare. Salato ed infinito.

E alle dieci.
Mentre percorriamo gli ultimi metri.
Sgranocchiando our second breakfast.
The horizon changes color.
leaden clouds are tinged with blue.
Offices of rain. And electricity.

A lightning rips the air.
few seconds of wait forever. And
comes the thunder.

rains in the desert.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Difference Between Mino And Ultra Flip Hd

The blog is mine. I speak of what I like. Long live democracy.

Sometimes just a moment.
A stop time.

A song that echoes in the distance.
so familiar.

In the middle of nowhere you hear the Sikitikis .

Randomness. Fate. Destiny.
Call it what you want.

But the music will save the world.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Edu Science 600 Reflector Telescope

Of life. Death. And history. That is repeated.

PHOTOS: usadifranci

Elvis wearing a military shirt.
E 'torn. From side to side.
Right there. Where is the heart.
He found on the beach. Somewhere in Asia.

Now my imagination flies.
Heavy as a boulder.

Maybe someone died. In that shirt.
fighting a war in which he believed.
O for a false ideal.

Or maybe the soldier has survived .
and returned home. To embrace his beloved.
It still wakes up every night. sweaty and terrified.
But his heart pounding in my chest.

Or is that shirt was bought in a store.
and traveled with Elvis throughout his life.
on a motorcycle.
happy and carefree.
Without knowing what war is.

But basically I do not care.

After a week I'm still here.
to think of his story. And to tell you about

And while my imagination flies.
Heavy as a boulder.
Somewhere in the world. In this instant.
A soldier dies.
In the silence of anonymity.
E nessuno si ferma a raccontare la sua storia.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Japanese Chinese Borrowed Words

Little Monsters.

E' buffo. Nel bel mezzo del nulla. Il passare del tempo è scandito dal susseguirsi di diverse specie di insetti.
Che si danno il cambio.
Nel tentativo di farti impazzire.

Durante il giorno. Mosche.
Che con spirito suicida. Si sfidano in voli acrobatici.
Nel tentativo di atterrare all'interno della tua bocca.

L'ora dei pasti è il tempo preferito dalle formiche.
Che si lanciano in lillipuziane imprese.
Cercando di battere ogni record di scalata dell'essere umano .

Al tramonto le formiche mettono le ali.
E riescono nell'impossibile impresa di essere ancora più fastidiose della loro versione meno evoluta.

Ma la notte.
La notte regnano sovrane le zanzare.
Che fameliche si nascondono dentro il tuo sacco a pelo.
E paiono essere immortali.

Ovviamente la mattina alle quattro.
Quando ci alziamo per ammirare il sorgere del sole.
Siamo tutti freschi e riposati.
Come rose.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fotos De Angela Pitts

Uluru. Rain in the desert. Postcard from the Whitsunday Islands

Devo essermi lamentata troppo del caldo.
Perché l'omino del tempo.
Who lives in the clouds.
( Yes Always him. )
decided to give a unique and unforgettable .
Three days of camping in the desert. Under the universal deluge

Anyone can claim to have seen Uluru under the sun.
Bello. Bright. Monolithic.

But few can boast of having seen the falls plow his red coat.

giant Old rusty. Son of millennial
bowels of the earth.
exerts a magical power. Indescribable.

Guardian of an ancient culture. What
teaching respect for nature. And its gifts.

Arts. survival.
and knowledge.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Vip Suitcase Combination Lock

In the midst of the sea.
Small tropical jewels.
under the sun. And the stars.

Eagle Sport Metal Corescooter Wheel

The red train.

PHOTOS: benhew

Here I am.
On the train that runs slow. Gently.
through the desert. In the heart
red island.

Directed towards my ultimate goal.

Twenty-four hours away.
thousand five hundred kilometers.

To be able to enjoy this sweet melancholy.

A slice of cake.
And my music. While
out the window, the scenery changes slowly.
I crop my corner of solitude on the crowded train.

I think back to the meetings. Conversations. Smiles.

Many of these will pass. Swift as the wind.
without a trace. Lost in the drawer of faded memories.
the moon. Looking next to Orlando. But some

. Some
riafioreranno when I least expect it. Looking
la luna.
Assaporando una spezia.
Scattando una foto.

Sono le persone. I discorsi. Gli occhi sinceri. Che porto con me.

Oltre che qualche ricetta.
E ben trenta chili di rossa valigia.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pokemon Gold Sony Ericsson

A son named Elvis.

Adoro. Con tutto il mio cuore.
Una madre norvegese. Innamorata della sua passione.
Al punto di chiamare suo figlio Elvis.

Neanche Ligabue aveva osato tanto.

Elvis non porta scarpe di pitone.
E neanche un diamante in pieno dente.

Ma anche Elvis sa che per affittare una macchina. Per poter andare a fare il bagno nelle cascate. It takes just a few. But the essential things.

a credit card. The
license. Possibly
food. Plenty of water.
And a bathing suit.

But all this does not matter to Elvis.
Elvis will try to rent a car without a license to carry around. And Elvis will
the bathroom with his pants motorcycle. Elvis
Why not bring even underpants.

Elvis And finally some nice Japanese tourists will be happy. When
. Hidden behind the bushes and grabbed my pants.
You might realize that it did not so well hidden.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Can Intercourse Help Bed Wetting

Mason for a day.

Finalmente ho trovato il modo di realizzare il mio sogno segreto.
Ho attraversato tremila chilometri.
Tra il mare ed il nulla.
Solo per poterlo fare.
Per poter passare un giorno. Un giorno soltanto.
Con dei vecchi vestiti. E tanto entusiasmo.

Per poter essere muratore .
Muratore per un giorno.
Muratore per pochi dollari.
Muratore per l'arte.

Pedro è un fotografo. Uno scultore.
Tira fuori l'anima del legno.
Sedie. Serpenti. Sogni.
Ha un sorriso sdentato. E la pancia da birra.
Un enorme talento.
E poco senso degli affari.

Rivoltiamo la sua umile dimora.
Per far riemergere the old art gallery. Sleeping under the ashes.

( Soundtrack Kill Bill II. Just to make us miss anything .)
paint. And words.

So many words. Photography.
Councils. And discoveries.
And then at sunset on the pier. To experience

And with a satisfied smile on my lips I take home some of the best pictures I ever took.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Paludrine/avloclor Side Effects

Darwin. And his people.

Every place has its soul.
What is different for each observer.
depends on his choices. On his mood. From his cravings.
And even a little from the case.

Darwin is hot and humid. Sticky.
first outpost of Aboriginal culture. The desert. And its people.

For me it is art. And adventure.
experienced through the eyes of others.

airport greets me Zephyr.
Photographer. Motorcyclist. With
toenails green enamel hope.

. New Zealand.
He decided to turn the world on his motorcycle.
Alone across Australia. Asia. And Africa.
a time limit.

Vanessa. Canada.
With blue eyes and amber skin.
He gave up everything for the adventure. And a camper. Adora
Australia. La sua gente. E il suo clima.

Pascal invece è deluso. Da una terra che ha sognato fin troppo.
E da bravo francese si lamenta.
Si lamenta ma continua il suo viaggio.
Sperando di venir contraddetto.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Canon Powershot A95 Hack

Tropical Fruits. Myths. It is common ground truth.

A quanto pare il mango è il frutto più diffuso al mondo.

Non ingaggiare un corpo a corpo con un mango.
Ne uscirai miseramente sconfitto.

Il kiwi va mangiato con tutta la sua pelosissima buccia.

L’avocado è il migliore amico dei back packers.
Con un avocado.
Una scatoletta di tonno.
Un pomodoro.
E tanta fantasia.
It can survive at least four days.

Alternatively, the avocado can be used as a lotion for the hair brittle from the sun.

You can go bowling I am a coconut.
But not football. And even tennis.

seems that bananas are not fruit. But
spices. Nevertheless
propose to prepare an Italian pasta dish with a delicious mushroom soup and bananas could jeopardize diplomatic relations between the two countries involved in the unfortunate incident.

not you know?
on Discovery Channel.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How To Make A Real Vgina

Divorce. [Divorce.]

Dopo sessanta giorni .
Tremila chilometri .
Le nostre strade si dividono .

Carlos ed Elvira hanno trovato una nuova famiglia . Che li amera ' come li abbiamo amati noi .
Craig è in volo per Adelaide.
Mentre io attendo il mio aereo per Darwin.

C’è stata una dura battaglia per la divisione del cibo .
Ho gentilmente ceduto il burro d’ arachidi e gli istant noodel con cui il britishman ha appestato le mie colazioni . In cambio dei miei amati cerali .
But on spices I have not sold . They are all my !

After much time is strange be really of new only. Craig is a

animated cartoon living. A child
bearded to which have granted the license . A chasm

without fund in cui è possibile far scomparire inaudite quantità di cibo in qualsiasi momento del giorno e della notte .
Un gentilman che mi ha deliziato con inaspettate melodie animalesche .

Un amico paziente che è riuscito a sopportare i miei repentini cambiamenti d’ umore . I miei trip mentali . I miei insani bisogni alimentari .
Mi ha trascinato in acqua a sfidare le onde .
Mi ha accompagnato alla ricerca della mia tavola da surf.
Mi ha incoraggiata .
E ha riso di me.
E del mio entusiasmo .

Grazie .

After sixty days.
And three thousand kilometers.
Our path’s diverged.

Carlos and Elvira have found a new family that is going to love them as much as we did.
Craig is in flight to Adelaide.
I'm waiting for my plane to Darwin.

There has been a big fight for the division of food.
I kindly give up the peanut butter and the noodles, which has made my breakfast a smelling nightmare. Its in return for my beloved cerals .
I refused to give the spices, they’re all mine.

After so much time it’s strange to be really alone again.

Craig is a living cartoon.
A bearded child with a driving license.
A bottomless abyss in which it is possible to wipe out untold amounts of food at any time of day or night.
A gentleman that has delighted me with unexpected bestials melodies.

A patient friend that managed to put up with my mood swings. My mental trips. My insane alimentar needs.
He pulled me into the water to feel the challenge of waves.
Accompanied me in search of my surfboard.

He supported me. And he
Laught at me. And at my



Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cook Smoked Ham How Many Minutes Per Pound

Last sea. How

PHOTOS: Sphinx!

There are some cities that you hate to skin.
no reason. Without
need no excuse.
Cairns is one of those. Maybe I'm just

Tired of the sea. Of doing nothing. East Coast
With eyes full of wonder too much to want to explore them.

Maybe it's hot.
Thirty-two degrees in the shade sap even the most adventurous spirit.

Maybe jellyfish.
infesting the coasts. Mortal dangers and transparent.
that do not allow you to refresh ideas.

Perhaps it is the bureaucracy.
The search for a new family of Carlos and Elvira. What makes me sad.

Perhaps it is the soul of this commercial city.
stores cheesy. The souvenirs. Approval.
That does not fascinate me.

Or maybe it's just me. And my moods
And my hair is too long.

Maybe a good haircut would help me.

Definitely yes.

A good haircut is che ci vuole.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Milena Velba Miosotis Police

overcome his fears.

Forse non tutti sanno che la sottoscritta ha una paura folle. E piuttosto ridicola. Dell’altezza.
Pochi fortunati hanno avuto il piacere di assistere a scene di panico durante la scalata della Cupola del Brunelleschi.
Qualche altro fortunato ha atteso ore che mi decidessi a saltare in mare dal mio scoglio. Due metri di terrificante vuoto.

Ed ora eccomi qui.
Imbragata a dovere.
Spaventata come non mai.
Mentre l’aeroplano raggiunge i suoi quattordici mila piedi di quota.

Non è vero. I'm not really doing.
From up here the world seems fake.

And the river seems to an embroidery on a canvas.

not think. not think .

The guy behind me starts to tinker with my harness.
not think.
It's just a strange nightmare.
Enjoy the view.
The sea is beautiful absurd.

They open the door.
Oh my god! No. Do not.
I changed my mind yyyy aaaaaaa ....

roll into thin air.
And roll.
Heaven. Ocean. Heaven. Ocean. Ocean. Heaven. Ocean.

realize they are still alive.
stop screaming.
flex its muscles. And I'm in a vacuum.
adrenaline rush. And pleasure.
While under my eyes the world unfolds.

And the fear disappears.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mucus A Week Before Period

Mille beaches.

Each beach has its own soul.
And it's nice to discover every little secret.
And try to keep it in your heart.