Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Home Made Wood Trailers

Malaysia Singapore Malay

A huge gray building, a cross between a highway and a highway overpass: and' so that it presents the customs Singapore, the city ' models, technologies, efficient, cutting edge, perfect. A sudden change, after the happy confusion of the other cities of south-east Asia. There is' nothing out of place. Everything is' the result of meticulous planning. Forbidden to spit on the ground, cross la strada al di fuori delle striscie pedonali, masticare cicche, mangiare e bere sui mezzi pubblici, compiere atti osceni in luogo pubblico (un passionale bacio alla francese...): fioccano multe salate, da oltre 200 euro. A volte ho la sensazione di trovarmi in un terminal aeroportuale o in un ospedale: la citta' e' fredda, senz' anima. E' questo il prezzo da pagare per vivere in un luogo perfetto? Di centri commerciali e shopping malls ne basterebbe la meta' e il quartiere di Chinatown, bello pulito e ordinato, e' piu' roba da Disneyland.
Al Museo d'Urbanistica non nascondono l'obiettivo per il futuro prossimo: vogliamo essere la prima citta' al mondo per qualita' della vita; il luogo migliore per vivere, lavorare and have fun. While all 'Asian Civilizations Museum in a caption next to an old photo of Singapore does not hesitate to criticize the excessive search for modernity' that blows a scraper, remove the history of the city '.
In Singapore I appreciate the food court, dining arenas: large rooms covered with dozens of stalls offering specialties 'local high-quality' (especially Chinese) at affordable prices. And less enjoyable 'time was the 5 days of intermittent showers, nothing abnormal: after all the city' caresses the equator and the climate and 'classified as "hot & wet." All year round.

The Ball Room

In Singapore 's time to fairs and meetings! Teo and 'in town' for the Salone del Mobile and is' a great pleasure to meet with a friend from Italy.
As if by magic I take off your shoes, put on my red shoes and Cinderella-traveling businessman I become for the great evening of dancing: and 'the feast of the fair, the exhibitors' dinner.

The place: a big leap one at a convention center. One hundred tables of 8 persons. To ours, as well as Teo and me, there 'a family di Singapore (padre, madre e 2 figlie al seguito), due vietnamiti e una coppia di svedesi, padre e figlio, residenti in Indonesia. Il menu e' quasi nuziale; molte portate alternate a momenti di intrattenimento su un ampio palcoscenico. Tentiamo un approccio con le subitodue figlie ma dai lampi che saettano dagli occhi della madre capiamo che non e' cosa. Attacchiamo quindi bottone con gli svedesi ed entriamo subito in sintonia, complice la proverbiale efficienza singaporegna, nella fattispecie impersonata da camerieri super-attenti che non perme ttono mai al livello delle nostre birre di scendere oltre la meta' del bicchiere. Rotto il ghiaccio I also time to engages rmi in a game on stage dancing competition to the tune of Earth, Wind & Fire, to win a bottle of Dom Perignon. Unfortunately I do not pass the preliminary stage, but in return endear the table.
After nearly three hours, past eleven o'clock, the dinner is ndo draws to a close. The curtain falls on the stage and some diners began to abandon the party, and 'Monday night, after all. The first to get up from our table are the components della famiglia di Singapore, seguiti a ruota dai vietnamiti. Restiamo io, Teo e gli svedesi. I rabbocchi di birra sembrano infiniti e cosi le conversazioni proseguono. Magnus e Lax - gli scandinavi - gestiscono una fabbrica di mobili in Indonesia e, da quanto capisco, possiedono anche un resort su un'isola al largo della costa settentrionale di Java. Mi dicono che devo andare assolutamente a trovarli quando saro' in Indonesia. Ci scambiamo indirizzi e numeri di telefono, appuntati sul biglietto di ingresso alla festa. Intanto intorno a noi si e' fatto il vuoto: tutti i tavoli sono deserti e nella enorme sala ci siamo solo noi 4 e un indaffarato gruppo di camerieri che sta sparecchiando e pulendo cio' che resta del party. Ma il flusso di birra non si arresta. Lax, il padre, ends at the drop of a glass of warm beer, belonged to Teo, which navigates a shrimp. Almost kneel for admiration, both for performance and for yet another refill of cold beer. We approach the two: the lounge and 'now clean, the waiters are running out of work at our table and we talk about deep sea fishing. Check a pack of cigarettes ... Alarm bell. Smoking indoors in Singapore? The risk is huge! Better raise your ass hard and leave the party staggering. At the exit we've pulled over the first taxi in sight, to the next stage. We're barely: Magnus Lax and two beasts are more than a ton. The taxi driver tries to take a friendly tone to ward off that drunk sti 4 I am finished in the machine. We are no longer 'talking, we're screaming, while Magnus smanetta the car under the gaze of the driver concerned. Shortly after ... Orchard Towers, for conosseurs "four floors of whores" and the beautiful distortion in Italian orgy towers. Four floors of bars full of girls. We make little headway and we enter the first room to the left on the ground floor. There will be no more 'than 10 customers, including two English gentlemen who have now lost all inhibition and are waving around a pole for a lap dance, and about twenty girls. Even if you are 'in the group, once in these places you find yourself hopelessly alone. The Swedes have been diverted to a table while two girls and I are from Teo another part of the room, busy with our two new friends. We drink the last beer of the evening and then salute and Magnus Lax, who almost do not notice our departure immersed in who knows' as a conversation with the girls.

Nearby, sitting on the steps at the entrance to another building, try a breath of fresh air in this hot night, we laugh when we conclude that "yes, indeed, father and son in the room-light Red had never seen!

Before returning to their hotel, walking along Orchard Road
Including shopping malls and luxury hotels, a Vietnamese prostitute crosses our feet and, pointing a finger at the McDonald's, says: "buy me a sandwich, I am hungry!"
Rene '


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