Saturday, August 9, 2008

Chetna Prithvi Mysore Mallige

Global Village

you do the time-space coordinates, for clarity and avoid confusion. It 's the end of April and I'm leaving Bali. A wooden boat along a fifteen feet, takes me along with 10 other travelers to the Gili islands, off the coast of Lombok. Six hours, lulled by a rhythmic rocking that puts to bed the most '.
Trawanggan, Air and Less are the names of three islands forming the archipelago of Gili. Tiny coral gems set in a sea of \u200b\u200bdeep blue color. A great place for snorkeling, diving, relax and pamper yourself with excellent food and lively evenings dancers. The most 'largest of the three islands - Trawanggan - turns in less than one hour by bike ... Little peace of heaven ': the islands there are no paved roads, so cars and zero zero scooters, bicycles only, with which we are silt, and cidomo, small carts pulled by horses.
Islands are a very popular destination among travelers, probably due to the proximity of Bali, and then become a real landmark dellla "ruta backpackers in Southeast Asia. Of course, as I have already 'seen in similar places (especially in Laos and Thailand), that' means a waiver of local characteristics, in this case Indonesia, to meet changing needs' of the global traveler. This phenomenon that has hit Trawanggan, where you can find everything from pizza to cappuccino, from burgers to fish & chips untissimi. There 'who enjoys and is stranded on these beaches for one month and there' who turn up their noses and run away after a few days, as you may have realized by now, I fall back into the second category. This' remains comunque che anche io approfitti della insonnia festaiola delle isole e dei suoi agi; per 2 notti consecutive finisco a letto alle 6, causa semifinali di Champions League, tra inglesi ubriachi e indonesiani football-maniaci. Inoltre la consapevolezza di trovarmi nell' ultimo party-place prima dell'Australia mi spinge a darci dentro. Conosco alcuni tipi interessanti: un istruttore di sub italiano; un gruppo di ragazze olandesi, una delle quali invaghita del subacqueo; un ragazzone tedesco reduce da 5 mesi di lavoro a Jakarta, con il quale mi confronto sulle follie notturne della capitale indonesiana.
Lascio questo villaggio globale dopo 6 giorni, 3 dei quali passati a Gili Trawanggan e 3 a Gili Air. Attraverso quindi in pullman e frettolosamente l'isola di Lombok; decision, in retrospect, regret ', as the island has much to offer: besides the ultra-friendly people of Indonesia, there' a volcano of over 3000m, rain forests and a wild and unspoilt south coast, battered by the foaming waves of the Indian Ocean.
In less than 24 hours and then I find myself in Sumbawa Besar, the largest of the city 'on the island of Sumbawa: destination number 5 of my "island-hopping" after Sumatra, Java, Bali and Lombok. Note
drug: from the islands Gili I started taking drugs with a daily pill of Malarone to prevent malaria, the areas I'm visiting are in fact considered at risk. A
Sumbawa again I find myself totally immersed in "the Indonesian experience": the absence of foreign travelers and people who say hello to me all the time, willing to start a conversation. My Bahasa Indonesia is improving and I get closer now to the basic 5-minute chat.
Stay in Sumbawa, Lombok as, and 'quick. I'm starting to count my days on a tourist visa, the road up to East Timor (and Australia), still long and, above all, unpredictable, urges me to accelerate the pace of the trip. I shot three quarters of the island in an exhausting day of travel. I cover the 250 km that separate me from Sape - the port where I embark 'on the island of Flores - in 13 hours, at an average of 20km per hour due to mechanical failures and a bus si ferma in continuazione a far salire e scendere passeggeri. Sono stretto tra due file di sedili con un sacco di riso sotto i piedi che mi costringe in una posizione rannicchiata, a ginocchia raccolte, che ammazza lentamente gambe e fondoschiena. Sono pieno di dolori e non riesco a spostare i piedi oltre il sacco di riso in quanto il pavimento del pullman e' surriscaldato e mi crema letteralmente le suole delle infradito. Fa talmente caldo che gli zipper metallici dello zaino della mia vicina di posto sono diventati incandescenti e uno mi ha ustionato il polpaccio! Il bus e' zeppo di persone e animali (galline in maggioranza) e non c'e' posto piu' neanche per uno spillo; anche se sono l'unico straniero in viaggio, questa volta c'e' poca voglia di scherzi e sorrisi: we are all suffering and we hope that this torture will end soon. When the hour of the 20 arriving at the quay of Canadian pension-Sape are so exhausted that I can not find even the strength of a scare when Rattazzi the size of a cat crosses my path in the hallway. Helmet in a heavy sleep, which stops abruptly at 5 am, when the relentless muezzin of the mosque next to the hotel decides it 'time to rally the faithful. Allaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!
Rene '


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