Monday, October 27, 2008

Swimwear For Adults With Incontinence

Along the West Coast returned to Broome

A Broome, in front of a couple of beers, greeting Rusty's friend from Australia who helped me find work in the Kimberley. I am ready to join in an Israeli boy, Arthur, who is traveling to Perth. Let's start at the end of August on his white Ford Fairmont overloaded with stuff, a station wagon of the 90s in very good condition. With
Broome behind him and a dozen kilometers covered are already 'in the middle of the Outback, Australia wild, deserted: no radio, the phone that does not take, a few cars and large expanse of scrub and red earth as far as the eye can see. The road hugs the coastline and is located a few kilometers from the sea, but 'a certainty that we and' data only from the map, the landscape around us and 'monotonous, the street and' starboard and water if they sees. To achieve the spectacular and long Eighty Mile Beach must leave the highway and walk a few miles of dirt road. The white sandy beach and 'populated only by birds and some fishermen. I take some photos and pick a shell memory of one of the most beaches' long the world.
Port Hedland, the next town (about 15 thousand inhabitants) is located 600km from Broome. Here we stopped just to give stores and gasoline. We leave it to the coast to the Karijini National Park, personally, I consider the quintessential Australian landscape. We spend two days to walk across narrow rocky canyons, streams, waterfalls and eucalyptus. In the evening, the sun in sunset dramatically exacerbates the red color of rocks and brush of purple high stratiform clouds, and a dusk from the end of the world. After the flatness of the coast with the highlands of Karijini its unpredictable streams, the narrow and deep wounds carved by water, views, the spectacular cliffs and vertical size and colori della roccia sono un piacere per gli occhi. La terra australiana ci avvolge e si incastra in uno dei nostri pneumatici, lacerandolo. Il successivo acquisto di una nuova ruota a Tom Price, nel profondo West, non si rivela un'operazione economica.
Dall'entroterra ritorniamo verso la costa e facciamo tappa ad Exmouth un luogo significativo per la sua posizione: e' dove la costa, dopo essersi snodata a ovest di Broome, "vira" decisa verso sud e Perth. A Exmouth inizia il Ningaloo Reef, la barriera corallina della West Coast, decisamente piu´piccola di quella “Grande” lungo la costa orientale ma sicuramente piu´accessibile; bastano un paio di pinne e un boccaglio. I coralli si trovano infatti ad un centinaio di metri dalla spiaggia. Only drawback - and not the least - the spiteful undercurrents that create a dangerous backwash effect of preventing, at times, the return to shore. In addition to the reef site is marked by a naval base and a forest of radio antennas in the U.S..
Not far from town and the radiation of a small hill is home to a beautiful lighthouse. At sunset, on this hill, we see enormous humpback whales in migration. Are returning with their offspring to the seas of Antarctica after being played off the northwest coast of Australia. With a little 'luck, as well as fin whales and sboffi, you can' see some jumps (which justifies their English name of humpback whales).
Exmouth me a little 'feel' end of the world, the last bastion colonized, in addition to which there is' nothing more. Feeling the fact of being the north end of a narrow peninsula with nothing around except the huge void in Australia. From here we move to the south over 700 km up to Shark Bay and Monkey Mia. A `other remote area, after disturbing and full of aquatic life: sharks - of course - that dolphins and dugongs, huge expanses of underwater feeding on algae, is dubbed the" sea cows ". Monkey Mia and 'famous' cause along the shores of this bay on time, every morning for over 30 years and is visiting a group of dolphins. What justified the creation of a resort on the famous beach and dolphins are now being fed by a group of rangers, three times a day. According to some a malpractice but should be considered while the tourist who shoots thousands of miles to reach this place only to see the dolphins up close, once you get there ... want to see them then!
Continuing the journey south and the barren semi-desert vegetation of the 'outback gradually leave room for pastures, fields and woods. In Australia and 'spring near Kalbarri and are enlivened by the many colors of wildflowers. Coloured stretches as far as the eye can see. A paradise for lovers.
Kalbarri and 'a day's drive from Perth and it is perceived walking the streets of this town. A lovely seaside 'resort inspired by the holiday weekend, after spending a day `s fishing fleet, filled with restaurants and bars. To the north and south of the country e'caratterizzata the coast with high cliffs, shaped by the fury of wind and water. Kalbarri is the last place where one feels the calm, indolent air of the small provincial town, before arriving in Perth, the capital city where 85% of the resident population of the state of Western Australia.
Along the way we stopped one last time to see the Pinnacle Desert, so called because of monolithic rocks, hundreds of them, sprouting from the sand not far from the sea. An interesting and mysterious place, Like many of the attractions of Australia, easily accessible by car: You can even make the slalom between the pinnacles.
12 days away from Broome to appear here `horizon the skyline of Perth: the skyscrapers of the CBD, Central Business District . For the first time in months I see many cars at once, traffic, people crowding the sidewalks. Perth is the first city 'with millions of inhabitants who visited Australia and the first impression is not' exciting.
Rene '


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