Monday, November 17, 2008

What Is The Average Male Model Bmi

drive to Melbourne to Perth and Fremantle

The Lorenz machine and 'a Mitsubishi Magna. A white sedan with the trunk and back seat packed with stuff, attitude, therefore, and 'very low. The shocks, he explains Lorenzo, have long since ceased to do their job. Every hole, every dip of the road, 'a blow dry. The purchase of the car to Darwin 'was a bargain: $ 1200 Australian, hard to find something less. The submission must be up in Sydney and will do it '. Lorenzo and I 'sure. I am too.
The first leg of the journey takes us south of Perth in the Margaret River area, known for the production of wine and waves to surf. Travel faster and more 'runs a tasting there. During the first night we meet with what will be 'a constant of our trip: the rain.
The next day, and 'the day of climbing: up to the lighthouse in Augusta, on the punta sud-ovest dell'Australia, dove l'Oceano Indiano incontra il Southern Ocean; e gli alberi giganteschi di Pemberton (i karri), spazzati dal vento. Quest'ultima, e' una ascesa da brivido; una scala a chiocciola, ottenuta piantando dei tondini di ferro nella corteccia degli alberi, permette di raggiungere una piattaforma di osservazione a 60 metri, sulla cima dell'albero che, il vento, fa oscillare paurosamente. Confesso che mi tremavano le gambe.
Continuiamo a seguire la linea della costa, rincorsi dalla pioggia. Ora siamo a Esperance, che si vanta di avere le spiaggie piu' belle dell'Australia. Le ho viste al mattino, con una tazza di the in mano mentre un timido sole cercava di farsi strada tra le nuvole ed il mare increspato spumeggiava on the white sand beach. I have not seen enough of Australia to determine that these are the most coasts' beautiful. Meanwhile, I make mental snapshot.
The crossing from west to east will take you on the long straights of the Nullarbor Plain: the flat treeless desert of dried bushes, sand and dust. Here is the stretch of road without curves' along Australia: 146km. A sign warns us to pay attention to kangaroos, camels and wombats. I do not see. We notice instead of rising gasoline prices. From $ 1.40 in Perth we are already 'gone to 1.90 and passes. For thousands of miles we meet not only countries but roadhouses to a hundred kilometers from each other. We will stop for rabbocco di benzina, una pisciata e, se si e' in vena di spese, un gelato.
La costa sud dell'Australia e', per lunghi tratti, una spettacolare scogliera. Qui, nella stagione giusta, si avvistano le balene con i loro piccoli intenti a farsi i "muscoli" prima della grande traversata verso i mari dell'Antartide. Si vedono a occhio nudo, dalla costa, perche' sono proprio li vicino, ad una cinquantina di metri da te.
Poi, con uno stacco netto, le alte scogliere lasciano il poste a delle enormi dune di sabbia dorata dalle dimensioni sahariane. Io e Lorenzo prima le scaliamo e poi ci mettiamo a tirare calci volanti saltando da una parte all'altra della cresta. In cima ad una duna di sabbia tutti torniamo per un attimo bambini.
Al passaggio state - from West to South Australia - deliver some onions and a handful of garlic: the quarantine laws actually prohibit the introduction of fruits and vegetables. On Eyre Peninsula
Lorenzo rain to the only colony of sea lions of the Australian continent (the other colonies are on islands off the coast). We reach the place after miles and miles of dirt road. Mitsubishi poor, strained dall'impervio ground, but the parking lot and her 'head held high, only one of an army jeep 4x4. This day ends with the most camp 'stage of the journey we are on top of a hill, overlooking a stretch of sea, the lights of Port Augusta who are lost in the distance, behind the ridge of mountain peaks Flinders Ranges.
A half day of driving and we are already 'in Adelaide. Here we change a tire (the crossing of the Nullarbor Plain has left his mark) and explore the nearby wine region of Barossa Valley, the most 'ancient and famous in Australia. In the short time we visit 4 wineries and tasted 24 wines. To say that we are elated and 'little. Suddenly the hills of the Barossa seem those of Chianti and the Australian who suddenly crossed all pussies. And 'the effect of wine on two that were too long away from Italy.
From riches to rags. The night camp at the Coorong National Park and 'bestial. We're on a piece of land next to a lagoon. Over the water only a row of dunes and the sea. The place ' infested with insects and mosquitoes. We are forced to fit the inside of the tent (the fly) and hide inside to cook and eat. Stuff to contortionists.
Before arriving in Victoria, and move the clock forward an hour, do a photo under the giant lobster (a statue) of Kingston. One of the many tacky tourist in which you can encounter in Australia (there 's also the Giant Koala, the giant banana, pineapple giant, the giant pulley ... more ...).
We just traveled for ten days in the huge expanses of Australia, in a vacuum, cut off the long straight, to greet every car that crossed. We, with only the wind, rain and dust to keep us company. Now, with Melbourne at the gates, we have so many people around and it seems strange. The 12 Apostles, there 's a constant coming and going. The mighty cliffs are located along a major tourist attraction in the country: the Great Ocean Road. Apostles of them are left now only seven or eight, always spectacular, constantly beaten by the waves, precarious, on the verge of collapse, at any moment. The information displays in the Visitor Center already 'they say: one day there will be' more 'none of the 12 Apostles. That day, the marketing department of the Tourist Australia announce 'that the apostles are raised elsewhere, perhaps along the unexplored coast of Western Australia or within walking distance of Sydney. Genes of the promotion. And people bait; mass.
October 4, 2008. A white Mitsubishi Magna, along with many other cars along the highway from Geelong to Melbourne. Less than 80, less than 50, less than 30 kilometers. It's raining, there is' cloudy and cold. The Melbourne skyline emerges from the mist.

Once in town 'we settled in a camp in the suburb of Coburg.
I arrived in Melbourne after almost 15 months of travel, but not 'have time to draw conclusions.
Rene '


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