And finally ... Australia
E’ una notte ad intermittenza, quella passata all’ospedale di Baucau. Il dolore mi sveglia in continuazione. Sudo. Un medico che mi visita nel corso della nottata predice che tra alcuni giorni tutto sara’ past. Hard to believe.
At 6 am I loaded up a direct local bus to Dili. My scooter and 'hanging on the back. Apart from the rear brake pedal, and that 'bent, was not damaged. Before noon they are already 'in Dili, where the owner of the' East Timor Backpackers charge me on his jeep and brings me back to the hostel. Here you will spend 'a week in hospital, waiting to fly to Darwin, Australia, June 7.
past seven days to read (a little, actually, I finished a Spiegel abandoned by a German traveler), eating heavy (can not move, I have to cibarmi the Indian restaurant opposite the hostel, curry at all hours), drinking beer, watching TV (pirated movies and TV series: The Sopranos, Heroes, Entourage) and play the Nintendo Wii (figata!) or cards with the other characters in the hostel: a young Australian from Almost a month cooking lunch buffet for all the hostel, an English girl engaged in volunteer work, a Frenchman who works for the UN and a U.S. computer expert, who is trying to get hired by the Ministry of Finance of Timor.
After two days I go to an emergency room run by an NGO (a kind of Emergency), where a nurse takes my points 'cause the wound and' infected. I'm taking antibiotics 3 times a day but does not seem to make a large effect (sara ' perche' sono di produzione indonesiana?). Cerco di andare al Pronto Soccorso ogni secondo giorno ma la situazione non migliora. Cammino a fatica, non riesco a piegare il ginocchio e l’infezione e’ sempre presente. Vorrei tanto vedere un dottore ma l’ospedale dell’ ONU e’ off-limits (aperto solo per i dipendenti), quello statale e’ un delirio, un medico privato australiano non ha un attimo libero per i prossimi sei giorni e al Pronto Soccorso della ONG (dove i trattamenti sono gratuiti) c’e’ una marea di gente; un pomeriggio decido comunque di aspettare e mi faccio visitare dal dottore americano responsabile del centro: pur essendo ancora infetta, mi rassicura, non e’ una brutta ferita; e mi advised to go to the hospital just arrived in Australia.
Saturday, June 7. I undo some extra clothes and a shirt, partially torn, I went to the accident and good morning to the airport. It 'an important moment of the trip. I'm waiting for the first plane after what led me to Moscow, July 11, 2007. I'm almost past 11 months. I crossed Asia by land.
Liftoff in a small plane in the double helix, a capacity of forty seats, and I am leaving behind Timor, Indonesia, Asia, great stories and great adventures.
After an hour and twenty minutes are already 'in Darwin in Australia's vast north. Beyond the glass ordered the taxi runs a landscape, a city as' clean, little traffic. A very quiet Saturday. At times the desert. Arrived at the hostel shortly after mezziogiorno I have to wait until 2 am lying on the couch 'cause the reception and' closed during lunch-break. Some travelers ask me what happened to my knee (in addition to limp, I have a conspicuous bandage). When I talk about East Timor, look at me strange and 'one country,' a city ', and' in Australia? They do not understand, do not know.
for them are a Martian, just landed on planet southern hemisphere.
Rene '
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