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Il giorno successivo al mio arrivo in Australia mi reco in ospedale. Al Pronto Soccorso del Royal Hospital di Darwin ricevo trattamenti ambulatoriali gratuiti (grazie a degli accordi bilaterali con l'UE) e nuove dosi di antibiotici. Il ginocchio e' ancora bendato e la ferita genera pus ma spero negli effetti del nuovo cocktail farmacologico.
La prima settimana di soggiorno australiano la passo al Gecko Lodge dove cerco di abituarmi a nuovi ritmi e consuetudini di viaggio. Accetto di malumore il fatto che d'ora in poi la maggior parte delle mie sistemazioni saranno costituite da camerate in ostello, con tutto cio' che ne deriva: rumore, compagni Room harassing, dirt, disorder, theft, stinks.
The impact in the local currency (Australian dollar) and 'a shock. Everything is very dear to me: sleeping, eating, drinking, travel. The money and out of the portfolio at a rate 'awesome. The inexpensive meals in Asian restaurants are a distant memory. From now on, breakfasts, lunches and dinners are eaten in the kitchen of the hostel.
The eta 'media of travelers and meeting' very down: most of "work and holidayers" (owners, like me, a visa annual holiday-type work) under 25 years. The ability to travel and 'very' party 'and fracassone. Or you work or chaos. Where did the old explorers?
Those arriving for a certain period of time in Australia trying to do on the road. This 'is used to identify two tribes' and two different approaches to the Australian trip. On the one hand there are the backpackers, the noisy inhabitants of the hostels, the other, "those with a van" who flock to camps and Caravanpark. Sometimes the two worlds come into contact, especially when someone "tries" a step and the other "facilities". Personally, I do not recognize in either group, I still wake up dreaming of one day in possession of a Toyota Landcruiser to explore the immense outback dirt roads. A step
Darwin two weeks of convalescence. Limp in the morning the streets of downtown in the afternoon I relax at the hostel, reading, writing or surfing the Internet. There 's a tropical climate, moderate humidity. E 'being the season known as "dry",' cause, as opposed to "wet", it never rains and the sky and 'always blue. Darwin 'a city' that has only 200 thousand inhabitants, but which 'distributed over an area in which Italy would host at least 1 million inhabitants. There 's a small town where there are offices and shops and rest and' made of one-family houses with gardens. There are very few apartment blocks. Piu 'a city' seems to me a country "allargatissimo. On foot you can 'only run the center, the rest you need a car. It 's the first city' I see in Australia and it 's a lot different from any other center abitato visitato in Europa. Devo ammettere: non mi fa impazzire. Per fortuna qui la burocrazia e' snella e in 2 giorni mi ritrovo con codice fiscale e conto corrente. Pronto per un eventuale primo lavoro.
Finalmente, dopo molti mesi, incontro ragazzi italiani con cui scambiare due chiacchere! Conosco Silvia e Matteo, di Mestre, che sono gia' da 8 mesi in Australia e Lorenzo, un ragazzone di Pescara; sono loro a svelarmi strategie e tattiche per sopravvivere un anno in Australia; mi sembra di capire che serva, soprattutto, molto lavoro!
Qui vicino a Darwin c'e' il Kakadu National Park, dove hanno girato Mr. Crocodile Dundee, una delle tappe fisse di un viaggio in Australia. E' una regione molto vasta, ricca di acquitrini a nord, vicino the sea, and waterfalls in the south, where the plains give way to rocky plateaus. Although the current dry season, rivers are still full of muddy water near the coast and are populated by aggressive crocodiles. Some groups of rocks, springing up like monoliths from an area almost 'flat, bring the witness of milleniaria Aboriginal culture. Paintings that speak of mysterious legends and traditions that are lost in the mists of time.
explore the park with Silvia, Matthew, and Jonas, a German boy, rent a campervan 4x4 and every occasion and 'good to throw in the dirt. We spend 3 nights in Kakadu, one of which is on the banks of 'Alligator Billabong (loop "dead" of a river): a campsite selvaggio tra uccelli, canguri e zanzare, raggiunto dopo quasi 40km di strada sterrata. Anche noi come Mr. Crocodile Dundee.
Poi si ritorna a Darwin, in tempo per vivere un'altra delle notti insonni a vedere le partite dell' Europeo. Durissimo star sveglio fino alle 7 di mattina per assitere al termine di un pallosissimo quarto di finale. E' decisamente ora di cambiare. Il ginocchio da segnali positivi e di fronte a me si distende la vastita' del continente rosso.
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